13 June, 2024

Irish Farmers Journal: Is the craft beer industry brimming with opportunity or recklessly optimistic?

Donal O'Leary for Irish Country Living (2)

Donal O'Leary for Irish Country Living (2)Thanks to Janine Kennedy for the opportunity to talk in Irish Country Living for the Irish Farmers Journal about our belief in Irish craft beer and its relevance. Onwards and upwards with lots of – as Claire Dalton said – healthy optimism.

Great photos from Donal O’Leary too – you’d never guess that they were taken the morning after a very special brewery dinner!

Read the feature here: Is the craft beer industry brimming with opportunity or recklessly optimistic? Irish craft beer is being exported more than it is consumed in Ireland –what does this mean for the future of the industry? Janine Kennedy reports.

